OOMK is organising a small press & zine fair at OSE – featuring over 40 small publishers and zine stalls. There will be work for sale as well as reference displays of zines and artists’ book collections. Part of OOMK’s Future Library project at Open School East. Exhibitors ————- OOMK Book Works OSE Abondance Matanda Ameena Khan Authorrising Backwards Burd Banner Repeater Brigid Deaco...
Ladies and gentlemen! Presenting printmaker, textile artist and comics creator Gareth Brookes. Gareth studied printmaking at the RCA and started making small press comics in 2006. His first graphic novel The Black Project was published by Myriad Editions in 2013. Hi Gareth! Could you tell us a bit about yourself and what you do? I guess I’m an artist and writer, I spend most of my time on graphic novels these days, b...
Could you tell us a bit about yourself and your work? I’m never quite sure whether ‘illustrator’ is the right word for what I do, because the majority of my work is personal and not in response to a brief or text. I like to tell stories, and I simply like to draw. My preferred forms are zines and epically long graphic novels. Are you right or left-handed? Right, despite my best efforts when I was a kid and thought be...